Faith & Life Matters Speakers

Ben Sanders
Usra Ghazi
Eboo Patel September 11-12, 2017
MSU Public Affairs Week
Left to Right:
The Faith & Life Matters Series
includes these goals:
Raising meaningful topics related to the intersection of faith and life. Presenting progressive interfaith role models. Illustrating the linkage between critical thinking, vocation, and faith development within the pursuit of higher education. Being a progressive Christian voice within the MSU campus community. Building partnerships across campus through the promotion of the public affairs mission of Missouri State.
Tameka Bell
"Love Your Neighbor Active Bystander Training" - Fall 2019
Amber Cantorna
"The Unashamed Tour" - Fall 2019
Mason Aid
"The Benefit of Doubt: Finding Faith in the Margins" - Spring 2019
Andrew Spector
"The Power and Possibility of Interfaith Cooperation" - Spring 2019
The Psalms Project, Rev. Tamara Lebak
"Bloom Where You're Planted: Cultural Competence, Universalism, and the Psalms" - Fall 2018
Austen Hartke
"Breaking Binaries: Transgender Identity and Faith" - Fall 2018
Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni
"One Drop of Love," a multimedia one-woman show exploring the intersections of race, class and gender in pursuit of truth, justice and LOVE. - Spring 2018
Francie Wolff & Ken Elkins
"The Holocaust: A new generation discusses the Holocaust" - Spring 2018
Tink Tinker
"Cosmic Balance vs Personal Salvation: An American Indian Perspective."
- Fall 2017
Eboo Patel
"Better Together: Bridging Interfaith Barriers" and "Our Common Life: Sustainability through Interfaith Connections" - Fall 2017
Tyler Connoley
"A Queer Christian Reads the Bible" - Spring 2017
Ben Sanders
"Race, Law Enforcement, and Faith-Based Racism" and "Black Theology
and Black Lives Matter" - Spring 2017
Usra Ghazi
"How Interfaith Dialog and Awareness Informs Us as Citizens and People
of Faith" - Fall 2016
Hannah Kardon
"Inspired to Serve: Interfaith Social Justice" - Fall 2016
Mustafa Abdullah
"How to Bring Interfaith Leadership and Social Justice to Your Campus"
- Fall 2016; and "Ferguson: Dignity, Faith, Poverty" - Spring 2015
Samantha Nichols
"Into the Streets: The Example of Public Church" - Fall 2016
Doug Pitt
"Living Your Vocation" ... serving children in need. - Spring 2016
Sara Lampe
"Living Your Vocation"... serving children in need. - Spring 2016
Anne Marie Witchger
"Why Working Together for a Better World Requires Interfaith Cooperation" - Fall 2015
Genevieve Chavez
"Discovering Your Vocation: Where are God and the World Calling You?"
- Fall 2015
Emily Miller
"Discovering Your Vocation: Where are God and the World Calling You?"
- Fall 2015
Scott Chalmers
"Discovering Your Vocation: Where are God and the World Calling You?"
- Fall 2015
Sarah Klaassen
"Everything I Need to Know About Leadership I Learned from the Movie Hoosiers" - Spring 2015
Mark Joslyn
"The Normal Heart 25 years Later" - Fall 2014
Jamie Haskins
"Queer and Christian Without Contradiction" - Spring 2014